There is not a single agreed upon upper limit for a normal temperature. What is normal for you may be a little higher or lower than the average normal temperature of 98.6.
Fever is the body’s own disease fighting arsenal. It is the result of an immune response by your body to a foreign invader which can include bacterial infections, viruses, fungi, drugs or other toxins. Rising body temperatures are capable of killing off many disease producing organisms. For that reason low grade fevers can normally go untreated.
Most fever is beneficial, causes no problems and helps the body to fight off infections. Depending on what’s causing your fever, additional fever signs and symptoms can include sweating, shivering, headache, muscle aches and dehydration. Fevers over 103 may cause hallucinations, confusion and seizures. A fever this high demands immediate home treatment and urgent medical attention. Home treatment possibilities for fever include the use of acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Do not give aspirin to children due to the risk of Reyes Syndrome. Cool or tepid baths or sponging can help to reduce fevers as well.
There is probably no concern for alarm if your child has a fever and is responsive, is able to make eye contact with you, is responding to your voice and is drinking fluids and playing. However, if your child is listless or is vomiting, has had a fever that is lasting longer than three days or is not drinking call your healthcare provider immediately.